Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thai herbal tonic (yellow box) TEL: 85620 2222 8597 Mr kham Phat

Thai herbal tonic (yellow box)
1. Aged people with poor bealth, weakness,depression,dizziness,haggard body and no appetite will be in better condition and relief from the symptom
2. Hypertension,dizziness,tiredness.weakness,suffocation,depression,cold hands and feet,bloated stomach and insomnia 3.
3. Brain symptom caused by hypertension, accident, contracted blood vessel in brain which brings dizziness, trouble with walking and speaking, weak hands and frrt, pale face and drowsiness will be relieved
4. Person with chronic qouty symptom, high uric in blood and rheumatism wich will get worse when consume food with high peureen or walk a lot , will be relieved from the symptom when uric acid in blood is reduced

The supplementary can reduce fat, uric acid in blood, diabetes symptom , stress and allergy, Also acting like detoxicant agent, when take the supplementary continuously for 1 month it can reduce the problem with blood and blood flow, prevent premature aged, shabby muscle, pain muscle, give warmth to the body and give strength to the body and bone.

Only on bottle can bring the different to your health

will be in better when take th supplementary continuously for 7-15 days
Weight : 750 g.
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ສົນໃຈ ລາຍລະອຽດ ຜະລິດຕະພັນ ຫມໍເສັງ
 ແລະ ທຸລະກິດເຄຶອຂ່າຍລາຍໄດ້ດີ
 ໂທ 020 2222 8597 ; 56 999 579 ; 77 555 579 ທ ຄຳພັດ ສິມມະວົງ

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